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Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

Taking Chances - Molly McAdams Taking Chances by Molly McAdams
Series: Taking Chances #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Release Date: October 16th 2012
Print Length: 432 pages
Format: Kindle
Source: Purchased
Review Date: June 21st 2013
Cover Rating: 4 stars
Overall Rating: 5+++ Stars
Sensuality Rating: Mild to Hot

I don’t even know where to start. I am so unbelievably heartbroken. I DO NOT care if it is a book. My heartbreak is real. This is a tear out your heart and stomp on it—hard—kind of novel. If you haven’t stocked up on tissues, and/or can’t handle an emotional train wreck—DO NOT READ THIS. I don’t know if I will ever fully recover from this book. If I could put into words my emotions it would look like:

First half of the book --> “OMG. OMG. OMFG. Just omg… this books is awesome.”

At 60% into the book it was like “NOOOOOOOO. NO. NO. OMG. OMFG!!!!!! I can’t read anymore! I just can’t!!!” --> but I did…

I am a sucker for tearjerkers, but I think this one pushed me to my limits. My eyes are red and swollen, and Mrs. McAdams owes me like 10 boxes of tissues, and some sedatives. But I have to say that I LOVED this book. It’s the kind of book that makes you want to go back and rate other books lower because they can’t compete with this one.

Harper is starting her freshman year of college in San Diego. She meets Chase her first day. She meets Brandon two weeks later. She falls madly in love with them both. Yes it is a love triangle, but the likes of which I had never seen. I literally loved them both too. It was so weird that I was feeling as conflicted as she was. It is usually black and white—love triangles in books I mean. This was soooo far from it. It was actually beautiful the love she had for each one. It was not cheap, and she was not heartless. She was just a girl that found two epic loves, unfortunately at the same time…
There is just no way to fully explain this book to anyone, you just have to read it.

I know I said it was heartbreaking, but it is also intense, powerful, unique, and romantic. It literally sucks you in from the beginning, and doesn't let go. If you do not know what a book hangover is, you will find out after you put this one down.

It is A MUST READ! If you have not read this one, GO GET IT NOW!!! Do not let it sit on your TBR, and do not sit on the fence—just read it. You will love it—that is after you stop sobbing like an idiot ;-)

Stealing Harper is the companion book and is in Chase’s POV. I suppose I will start it now, because if I don’t I may never get the nerve to pick it up—after you read Taking Chances you will know what I mean.

I am not kidding—read this book…

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