The Dark Light of Day by T.M. FrazierSeries: Standalone
Genre: Dark Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Release Date:
Length: 267 pages
Format: eARC
Source: via Author for honest review
Review Date: December 23rd 2013
Steam Rating: Hot
Overall Rating: 4.5 STARS
Review:WOW! What a ride this was!!! I don't know what I was expecting but IT WASN'T WHAT I GOT!!!! I LOVE when an author can make me love morally corrupt people, they are my absolute favorite characters! And let me tell you, you don't get much more taboo than the hero being a contract killer.
What was wrong with me that I was so willing to accept someone in my life who admitted to killing people on a regualar basis?IDK Abby but there is obviously the same thing wrong with me, because I fell head over heels for him too 8-O
But what I really liked was that there was no apologies for the way they were. He was who he was and he embraced it. There wasn't a bunch of crazy guilt over it, because if he felt guilty he wouldn't be doing it in the first place. I swear I'm not a psychopath, I just like when stories are more REAL. And if you are a contract killer, obviously taking a life does not effect you like it would the average person. Just saying :-?
Maybe what set Jake and I apart from other people was our acceptance of our feelings and emotions--the dark as well as the light.So besides that, what is it about? It is the story of Abby (aka Bee) and Jake. They are two very broken souls, and they recognize this in each other. It is a sort of insta-attraction but not insta-sex. Abby loses the little bit of comfort and stability she has, and Jake basically rescues her. Hence the romance begins.
And let me tell you, the first fifty percent of the book was not all that dark, and I had read a few reviews so I was like :-| where is the grit? This is barely dark?? Well I couldn't have been more wrong...
Because as soon as I thought that BAM!!!!!!! And then BAM!!!!!!! Sucker punched AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!! I literally could not pick my jaw up from the floor a couple times 8-O
But hey, I love to be shaken... Why else would I read dark books. If you want to be brought out of your comfort zone look no further → you have found your next read! No shit, this will rock your foundation a bit ;-)
I can't really go into the storyline to much for fear it will spoil it for you but just know going in that it IS a dark book, but it is also very much a romance too. This is not always the case with dark books but Jake is actually very sweet to Abby.
As for the sex, there was not too much of it, but the Jake and Abby's defiantly had chemistry, and the few intimate scenes between them were powerful, and HOT too ;-) Would I have liked more? Yes, but it was enough for me to be mostly satisfied.
Overall, I highly recommend this novel to fans of the dark and twisted. It has a fabulous prologue and epilogue. So go and download a sample, and you will be hooked!
The blurb states the ending is bittersweet. I beg to differ. I am a fan of bittersweet -- I don't even need a HEA at the end of my novels so I would have welcomed it. But no. If you are the kind of person who does, HAVE NO FEAR this has a definite HEA ending!
...we all have darkness within us. Some of us more than others.~StacyHgg~
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