The Unidentified Redhead by Alice ClaytonSeries: Redhead #1
Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
Age Group: Adult
Release Date:
Length: 8 hrs 14 min
Format: Audiobook (Review Copy)
Source: Simon & Schuster Audio
Review Date: January 24th 2014
Steam Rating: Nuclear
Overall Rating: 5 STARS
Review:Let me start out by saying that I LOVED these characters! They were funny, witty, sarcastic, and endearing. This book is hard to rate because i usually read very emotionally “heavy” books, but I needed a reprieve so I chose this after Christina The Book Bitch recommended it. It was exactly what I needed. I don’t really like light and fluffy books but this did not come of as that even though it was low “stress.” I was VERY invested in the characters from the beginning to the end without all kinds of emotional drama. And I literally LOL at quite a few scenes, while with others I shed a tear or two.
But I say
“Why does a book have to give me a coronary for me to be able to throw a 5 STAR rating at it??” For what it is it was perfect. It was VERY sexy, graphicly so ;-) but not tacky. Jack was a total babe, I LOVED him to death, and I understood why Grace was willing to overlook the pretty large age difference. He is 24 year-old SEXY AS SIN budding movie star, and she is a 33 year-old aspiring actress who recently decided to completely turn her life around. She lost a bunch of weight and started caring for herself physically and emotionally. She was so inspiring!
So Grace moves to LA to live with her best friend since college who happens to also be a successful agent. An agent to none other than Jack himself. They meet and sparks immediately fly but there is a few things that are always in the back of their minds keeping them from enjoying themselves to the fullest. Well they DO enjoy their sex life to the fullest, I mean their relationship.
The ending is not a cliffhanger, but this is not a standalone and could not be read as one. Their story is just beginning. Luckily the next two Audiobooks have already been released and are sitting in my iPad ready to go!
As for the audio Keili Lefkovitz was fantastic and I felt like she was a perfect Grace. She spoke it like it was her story.
I highly recommend this
Audiobook or Novel to those who need to get over a book hangover. Or those who like fun, sexy reads. I can’t wait to listen to the rest of the series!
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